Westin Tolliver Perry
March 1, 2011 at 6:37pm
7 lbs and 19.5 inches

Our 1st picture as a family of 5:
It has been busy {to say the least} around our house since October 2010.
-I had my big Christmas Show with Jr. League in November
-painted furniture for some family friends
-the day after the show ended I raced home to start teaching a 1st grade class until they could find a permanent teacher
-at 32 weeks {middle of January} pregnant I was having tons of contractions {which I had with Deacon & I didn't think too much about it} , saw my Dr. and I was dilated to 1.5cm and 30% effaced
-spend the night in the hospital to stop contractions
-I was put on bed rest and couldn't teach my 1st graders any more
-had to learn to rest and take it easy {couldn't have done it without my sweet husband and family}
-had weekly Dr. appointments
-decorated the nursery
-scheduled to be induced March 3rd
- went into labor March 1st
I have missed blogging so much!!
I am glad to be back
I have so much to post about
Have a very blessed day